Introducing Emily Grace Mei Venn

Monday, April 16, 2007

Last night in Guanzhou

On our last day in Guanzhou, we discovered that the US did not have our visa for Emily due to some kind of computer hang up. This happened to about half of the families in our group, but it really only delayed David and I from leaving on the day that we were scheduled. We did receive her Visa the following morning, but it was too late for our flight. For this reason, David and I decided to spend a day and night in Hong Kong. We were due to fly out of Hong Kong anyway, so we just stayed there a little longer than scheduled. It proved to be better for Emily. She had been suffering from an ear infection and I thought that the extra day of healing with antibiotics would be easier on her ears rather than jump on a 17 hour flight home with an aching ear.
Nonetheless, on the last day we dresses our babies in their traditional dress and took pictures. Emily didn't feel well and wasn't quite up for a photo shoot.

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